Sunday, December 2, 2007

Feeling Yucky.

Today, I feel blech.

Yep. Blech. There's no other way to describe it. My eyes don't want to stay open, every part of my body feels so heavy and unwilling to move. I'm sort of stressed and overwhelmed, and if you know me, you probably know that I do not respond well to stress. Even though I try to let it motivate me, my natural reaction to stress is pretty hippie-ish ("It's all good man"). Not to mention I feel sort of bloated and gross.

I can't wait for Christmas break. Not that I'm a poor, overworked little pack mule or anything and Christmas break is the only time that I can breathe...but I just really need some time to recuperate...from schoolwork, from Michael, from everything. I want more than anything to hop into some sweats and hunker on down to read Jane Austen without interruption for hours and hours...or possibly even Harry Potter again. I want to stay up late and watch my favorite Christmas movies and watch the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. I just need a recovery period after everything that's been happening lately.

I just need to push through these next two weeks or so...