Sunday, December 2, 2007

Feeling Yucky.

Today, I feel blech.

Yep. Blech. There's no other way to describe it. My eyes don't want to stay open, every part of my body feels so heavy and unwilling to move. I'm sort of stressed and overwhelmed, and if you know me, you probably know that I do not respond well to stress. Even though I try to let it motivate me, my natural reaction to stress is pretty hippie-ish ("It's all good man"). Not to mention I feel sort of bloated and gross.

I can't wait for Christmas break. Not that I'm a poor, overworked little pack mule or anything and Christmas break is the only time that I can breathe...but I just really need some time to recuperate...from schoolwork, from Michael, from everything. I want more than anything to hop into some sweats and hunker on down to read Jane Austen without interruption for hours and hours...or possibly even Harry Potter again. I want to stay up late and watch my favorite Christmas movies and watch the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. I just need a recovery period after everything that's been happening lately.

I just need to push through these next two weeks or so...


justjuls said...

Yes, sweat pants don't say "I've given up on the world" - they say "get the heck out of my face world - when I'm ready I'll put on some real pants".
Sorry you're feeling so bad baby!
I love you!

Anonymous said...

Feeling blech with you - but I hope you are back to your happy little self very soon. Love what your Mom said about the sweatpants. Here's to putting some real pants back on :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Just rolled up on your blog. Its pretty cool. I like the design. Its awesome. Well I hope you feel better soon too. Adios.

Stephanie said...

Sorry you are feeling yucky, I get that way too.
Take care of yourself and then you can put your real pants back on :)

Anonymous said...

I just got you message on my blog. and you know how they say sometimes you feel like a nut. Im feelin like one today:)

Anonymous said...

I think I have been acting like a nut lately in that I been being aggravated with people. I think it's because Ive always been lets say maturer that people my own age so I feel that I may be ready to move on to more responsibility and my parents tell me that but have yet to give me the new resposibilities and I just feel like they r not giving me enough room. Im done with school and am in college for medical transcription and Im not one to go out dating alot and I dont have my liscense which sucks. I like to spend time with my friends and am for the most part always on top of what I should be doing but because of my older sister they r afraid that I will do something crazy which I would not even out of spite. Im just not like that. But they dont really see that. and you know how things go on in families how someone will have a problem and it doesnt really concern you but because you r in the house you have to hear about it all the time and am not allowed to say ne thing about it. even if it may help. So ive been a nut for the pass few days. :) its just been aggravating me lately.

Anonymous said...

Answer to you question: Im 19. and I like jazz, r&b, rock and alternative, Latin, Hebrew, Indie, and classical . My fav music usually comes from alternative and latin though. I also like a lil ska and country. My fav artist have to be joss stone, shakira, india arie, tori amos, and I like broadway hits too. I'm not picky as long as it has good lyrics and good beat I like it. My parents arent down with the whole being alone on a date which I understand too. i like the whole group dating cause then it means less pressure to come up with something to say. lol! I also have had 2 boyfriends and they were a bit immature. Its like they seem to turn out to be other people and then I realized that they r still just like me trying to become better people so maybe they just need some time to grow more. I feelin like a nut. Its almost like lately everything has been in a bit of a fog. speeding up time and its like wait give me a second so i can figure things out. time just seems like it speeding up and now we r like a month from 2008. Like wow! well as my friends say we r all nuts and cracked pots(imperfect) lol!