Thursday, February 7, 2008


Okay, update on the job.

I completed my training a little over a week ago and we opened the restaurant. First, I was hostess. Then, I was FC (which is the person who arranges the food and makes sure everything is right, yada yada yada), and then, I waited tables for the first time at the restaurant. I made 13 dollars off of six tables. Yeah. Only thirteen dollars. Sooo...I was a little discouraged. That was a Sunday, and I've heard that 'church people' are notoriously bad tippers. It turns out that this stereotype is pretty true. I got quite a few people who came in and left me a dollar for a tip.

I thought this was just because I'm not good at waitressing...but I was wrong about that:-D The next time I went to work, I made $50. The next day I learned how to be a cashier (which is actually kind of fun and really easy). Today, I brought home $60 in tips.

I love my job. Every time I go, I am learning more and making fewer mistakes and getting better, and bringing home more $$$$$$$$$!!! Everything is set-up a certain way so I don't have to wander around and ask one of my coworkers if a customer has a question. Everything is precise. I KNOW which tables are mine and I know that if I turn a ticket in, the cook will be able to read it because the abbreviations are, of course, set. It's very nice and a definite confidence builder to be able to do my job. I just like KNOWING what I have to do, and being able to do it. I'm realizing just how sloppy things were at my last job now that I work here.

The atmosphere is also a lot happier. We have these nice little T-Shirts we wear and we can get them in different colors. We don't have to dress all formally and we can wear jeans and sneakers! They always play Christian music which is nice because in the middle of a rush, if I go to the bathroom to escape, there is some really encouraging music playing to calm me down. My bosses are pretty relaxed...I mean, of course they're authoritative, but they're also pretty nice. I get discounts on things I'm not supposed to get a discount on and if I do something wrong, they're just like, "That's okay, we'll fix it." It's nice to feel secure in that way.

I also get to press a lot of buttons and fun stuff like that, haha!!!

Man. I'm so glad to have a real job where I don't have to whine and complain about not getting enough hours! I was scheduled for five days this week, furreeeal!


Shasta said...

You are also waitressing in the south /mid-west! I didn't realize until I moved that you were to tip 10% or more. We always left a dollar, more of course if the waitress was good. It's not until I moved east that I realized this just wasn't how it was supposed to be done. Keep up the good work!! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

hey, just got your message. things are going pretty good. I also went back to work. Now at Cost Plus World Market for the third time. Its going well and new management is GREAT! And no dating for me right now. Just been busy with field service and family stuff. I have a big family. there are 7 of us. lol.:) so keep well. ttyl. dal