Thursday, February 5, 2009

cleopatra, queen of denial

  I'm remembering why I like denial so much. 

  I mean...I know it's supposed to be unhealthy to repress your feelings and pretend they're not there...

  But I mean...can't it be useful? 

  It makes me think of that expression, 'Ignorance is Bliss'. When you're in denial, you can go on being happy and not thinking about the things in life that get you down. If you don't think about them, they don't bother you. You can go out in the sunshine and smile and move on. I mean, really move on. Bad feelings are still there, but they're not on the surface bothering you all the time. 

  And eventually, if you bury that feeling enough...if you keep squashing the little sucker down...It may just fade away and die without you realizing it. Before you know it, the painful truth isn't the truth anymore. 

  I mean...maybe denial is a good thing almost. Maybe the opposite of denial is dwelling on the past and wallowing in self-pity...

  Or maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about. 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm in denial and will be there for about 4 years...

I understand what you are saying.
It's not necessarily denial if you are choosing to look at the positive and not dwell and wallow in self pity,

I thought you were Isabella, you keep changing your name on me :)