Sunday, January 4, 2009


I rode with my friend Elishah to a Bible Study I attend yesterday, and we had a very interesting discussion.

Elishah is the kind of person that can make conversation out of nothing...It's a gift and an art form with her. I hadn't been in the car but a minute when suddenly I was being informed of all the events taking place in every museum in our city within the next month=D

Among these events, there was included a chocolate tasting at our local civic center. The admission is $10, and chefs from all over the city are going to bring chocolate pastries and delicacies of all kinds for people to try...

Naturally, being a chocolate-lover, I automatically said, "Let's plan something!" Haha.

After this, something occurred to me, which Elishah and I spent the rest of the ride talking about.

People are always complaining of boredom. They are tired of doing the same old same old. Watching movies and going bowling is fun, but it's not new or exciting. Yet we consistently do these things over and over as if there is nothing else to do in life. As Elishah put it, "We pay to have our creativity taken away from us."

But there are so many new and interesting things to do right under our noses! There are so many opportunities and fun things to do if we simply use our imaginations and utilize the opportunities we're given!

A chocolate tasting. So random. So out of the ordinary in the way of things we do to kill boredom. It's perfect!

And there are things like this to do ALL the time! All we really have to do is look a little deeper than what movies are playing at the moment.

And honestly, we don't even need money to do some things. All we need is a little creativity and ingenuity.

Here are some of the things to do that Elishah and I came up with:

* A painting party - Obviously, a get together where all of those invited paint;-)

* Everyone goes to the library and draws another person's name from a hat, then picks out a book for that person to read. Then, everyone goes to a park and reads to the group excerpts from the book that was chosen for them.

* A random picnic out by the highway.

* A random photo shoot in all of our favorite spots downtown.

* A walk by candlelight.

* A walk through a rose garden.

* A walk in the rain.

* Go watch a choir performance, or a jazz ensemble, or a play!

Life doesn't have to be boring! We let it get that way by not utilizing the opportunities in front of us, and by not allowing our creativity to help us come up with something to do besides sitting down in a dark room on your rump for hours.

I plan to do a lot more random, sporatic, and amazingly fun things this year! 2009 is going to be a good one, I think;-)


Shasta said...

Awesome ideas! I think I might try some of those. Thank you for sharing your creative mind.

justjuls said...

This is so true - you do just have to seize those moments - and don't let someone else use up all your emotional energy day after day that drains you and dulls this in you. They aren't worth it.

Anonymous said...

I loooove the book idea, and I think we should definitely do the candlelight walk again!