Thursday, January 15, 2009


I was talking to my friend Devan earlier today.

After a short while of talking, I realized that I have reached the most confusing point in my life as of yet. I mean, this past year takes the cake for confusing times. It wins hands down. Out of every confusing and frustrating time in my entire life before now, this past year absolutely tops everything else.

And I never do anything to make things less confusing for myself. I go after what I want right the moment. I don't think about the future.

It could be considered a good thing...At least by those people who say "Don't worry about anything, live for today" bla bla bla...But when I do that, today is miserable because I know that by living for today I wreck tomorrow.

The dating game is a tough one to play.

Why is it so addicting?

People get burned over and over and yet they offer themselves up to be burned once again...Or at least to burn others.

They are masochists.

I am a masochist=D

Anyone got any wisdom for me?


justjuls said...

So am I! :)
It's in your genes!

Shasta said...

I'll tell you what I did at your age. I didn't date. I kept my family close and cherished my friends. There was so much going on with big decisions to make and frankly I just wanted to have fun without all the drama. I'm an unusual one in this line of thinking, I know. Dwayne was my first boyfriend and my last!! It's not that I didn't have the want to date, but I wanted more to enjoy what was there.

Weird aren't I!!

Angie said...

You're not a masochist! You are HOPEFUL. Hopeful that the next love will be THE love; hopeful that the next boy will be a MAN. NOT a bad thing to have such hopes. And you are wise beyond your years to recognize that mistakes made now can create challenges for your future...but sometimes, those mistakes are made by NOT living for today.

Can I tell you what I did when I'd had enough of the dating thing? I was 26. (An old lady to you, but still...) I had a LONG talk with God, knowing that He loves me and wanted to help me. Told Him that well, my parents had always been right and that it was time to check in with them on my men friends. And then, I pretty much told God that, since I knew He was the fulfiller of my dreams that HE would have to dump THE guy on my doorstep in shining armor on a white horse. A few *interesting dates* and six months later, in the form of a blind date, there was my hubby. And we both KNEW. (And so did my parents--it was kinda scary, but cool.)

Are you to that point yet? Maybe not...but opening a dialogue with God never hurts! I'll leave you with a little something from MY mom--are you praying for your future spouse? are you praying that you'll be ready when he comes along? Do both and you might be surprised at the peace that comes.

Stephanie said...

You're calling my name. Yep I have some wisdom :)
I don't have time right now, I'll get back to ya.