Sunday, May 27, 2007


Hey everyone...

I have had a great last couple of days. My Uncle Brent came to visit for the weekend on Thursday, and we've been having a lot of fun with him...He provides great conversations, and lots of opportunities for artistic growth. He's an artist himself, and a pretty good musician...These are both things I'm interested in, so yesterday we focused on the piano for awhile, and today he sat down with us and taught us a drawing technique. It's really cool to have him around:-)

Yesterday we went to our co'op's End of the Year program. I was picked a few days ago to go up on stage and give a speech. I gave a speech that was based on my true beauty essay a few posts down. People liked it...I prayed and God gave me peace and I was able to deliver it without melting, hehe...

Guess what I did today??? I cut/trimmed my own hair!!! There was something very liberating about it...If you guys know me, you know that I have a lot of beliefs. One of my beliefs is that most things about our society are designed to condition us to be obedient. To follow orders without question, and not ever do things ourselves, or even try. So for a couple weeks I've been looking at my hair thinking, "Geez, I really need to get this trimmed..." And so after my shower today, I just did it myself. It was so cool! I know this is going to sound juvenile, but it was like I was saying, "See? I can do things myself...I don't have to pay $20 for a haircut! You're NOT going to force me into submission!!!" (To who was I saying this to? I don't know. Everyone I guess.) Or maybe I was just in an experimental mood, lol...Because later on I ran red marker along the ends of my hair. It looks pretty good, if you ask me...

So yeah, that's what's been going on lately. Rebellion in the smallest form.

1 comment:

justjuls said...

You are SUCH a rebel at heart. You always have been. Let God refine it and use it to rebel against what he rebels against!
I love you baby - and your hair looks mah-velous!