Tuesday, July 24, 2007


A few days ago, my mom, sister, brother, two friends and I went to see the play 'High School Musical. It was great...much better than the movie, in fact. So it really got me wanting to be in a play...I used to be involved in theater all the time, and I loved it. The atmosphere was great, and it was just something I really liked to do.

So I asked the lead actor in High School Musical if he knew of any upcoming auditions...And he told me that there was an audition for Cheaper By The Dozen about an hour away from where I live. He told me this this morning...and the auditions were TONIGHT!!!

I told mom about the audition, thinking it would be too much trouble to be in a play so far away, but she was all for the idea and took me, my sister, and my friend down the road, Bethany, to audition.

The audition was very interesting...it was so different than anything I've done before. At The Old Opera House, where I used to do plays, they would give you an audition sheet that was numbered, and you were supposed to go into a room with only a couple people watching you and read a part that they assign you beforehand. It was much more organized, and I like it better that way. The audition tonight, though, was very disorganized and...different. There was an auditorium with a lot of people, and they read scenes from a script, and you had to go onstage and stand in line to read for the part you wanted. They didn't ask you to do anything in particular at all...you just had to read for the part you wanted...it was so unusual...and then the director had each individual stand up onstage and she would just look at them, sizing them up...I guess she was taking notes on our appearance, and it was very unnerving, because it felt like everyone else in the place was doing the same ("I wonder if that cute guy over there notices my pudgy stomach!"). It was scary. It just felt weird, and the way I kind of just had to make it all happen for myself really threw me off...It was overwhelming.

I didn't do badly when I read...but I don't think I did any better than anyone else who read. Please pray that I get in, though...it's kind of important to me to be involved in something like this again. Actually, it's very important to me.

I should know by tomorrow morning, and the first read-thru is tomorrow night!

(So pray hard and fast!!! Hehe...)

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